The start of 2018
Well, this year has come to a close and it is now 2018! Earlier in December, I took my Russian exams and finished up the last of my essays and other assignments for American school. On the 22nd, after my 12 hour flight, I arrived back in California. I was supposed to come home on the 23rd (Saturday), but my flight was cancelled and moved to very late that day. My mom worked on finding a way to contact someone at Aeroflot, and I was able to get a flight on Friday the 22nd! (It was actually the 22nd, at 4am, when my mom called and said I would leave that day!) Because I arrived back in California a day early, I was able to attend the family party that was on the 23rd. It was so nice to see my family members and spend time with them. For the rest of December I took two American school exams, went to Universal Studios, had a sleepover, and took many yoga and ballet classes. In about a week I will be starting the rest of my exams for American school. For the rest of January I have many fun plans that I will share about in a later post:)
I hope you have a great 2018, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

I hope you have a great 2018, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year! See you before you return to Russia ❤️K